We Strive To Educate
Workers compensation is one of those subjects that everyone’s heard about, but nobody really knows much about. We hope to change that!
Your Trusted Source for Workers Comp
Learn the Basics
The Experts make workers compensation easy to understand
Workers comp benefits guarantee an employee injured in the workplace will be compensated for lost wages and all medical treatment.
Negotiating a lump-sum settlement with an insurance company could provide injured workers more control of medical treatment and funds.
Can You Get Workers Comp If You Work From Home?
Can You Get Workers Comp If You Slip and Fall at Work?
Does Workers Comp Cover Aggravated Pre-Existing Conditions?
How Do Workers Comp Benefits & Settlements Affect Social Security Disability?
What Not to Do While on Workers Comp
Does Surgery Increase Workers Comp Settlement?
What Happens to Medical Bills When Workers Comp Is Denied?
What Happens If an Employer Cannot Accommodate Light Duty Work Restrictions?
Does Workers Comp Cover Emergency Room Bills?
Is Workers Comp Taxable?
What Happens If an Employer Does Not Report an Accident to Workers Comp?
How Will COVID-19 Affect Workers Comp Costs?
What Happens If You Quit Your Job While on Workers Comp
Can I Sue My Employer for Negligence?
How Long Does Workers Comp Last?
When Does Workmans Comp Start Paying?
Can I Get a New Job While on Workers Comp?
How to Help Injured Employees Return to Work (It’s a Team Effort)
Can You Trust Your Workers Comp Doctor?
New Law Poses Billion Dollar Workers Comp Problem for Uber, Lyft
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Meet the Team
We are seasoned, savvy, award-winning journalists who have enlightened and entertained readers with lively reporting and commentary on events from around the world to just around the corner for more than 40 years.
Bill Fay
Joey Johnston
Staff Writer
Tom Jackson
Staff Writer
George Morris
Staff Writer
Craig Lazzeretti
Staff Writer
Who We Are
We are a group of seasoned writers who have spent the last 40 years, investigating, reporting and commenting on local and national news. We’ll use our savvy and experience to produce fresh, informative and entertaining stories about workers compensation.
What We Do
Our job is to get the full story on workers compensation. We’ll ask everyone involved – employees, owners, lawyers, etc. – what really happens when a worker gets hurt on the job. We promise to be a reliable source of news and information on workers comp.
Why We Do It
Workers comp laws baffle everyone. As one judge put it: “Workers comp started out as a simple, self-executing system, but it has turned out to be anything but simple and self-executing.” Our goal is to educate all parties with simple, easy-to-read articles.