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Workers compensation is one of those subjects that everyone’s heard about, but nobody really knows much about. We hope to change that!

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Workers comp benefits guarantee an employee injured in the workplace will be compensated for lost wages and all medical treatment.


Negotiating a lump-sum settlement with an insurance company could provide injured workers more control of medical treatment and funds.

Employee working from home grabbing at his injured back

Can You Get Workers Comp If You Work From Home?

Even as the world edges back toward pre-pandemic norms, at least one COVID-driven phenomenon remains: Lots of employees — 12.7% of full-time workers — continue to log a considerable number ...
Wet floor sign in the hallway of an office building

Can You Get Workers Comp If You Slip and Fall at Work?

Have you suffered an injury as a result of a slip-and-fall incident at work? You’re hardly alone. While there is all manner of ways to get hurt at work, slips, ...
Clipboard indicating a pre-existing condition on the medical form

Does Workers Comp Cover Aggravated Pre-Existing Conditions?

Aggravating a pre-existing injury or illness while on the job is among the trickiest areas of workers compensation law. In short, you will be in a battle from the get-go. ...
Injured workers filling out a social security disability application form

How Do Workers Comp Benefits & Settlements Affect Social Security Disability?

If you are seriously injured in a workplace accident, making a claim with your employer’s workers compensation insurance is an obvious first step, but not the only one worth investigating. ...
Workers crumpling a piece of paper

What Not to Do While on Workers Comp

Although workers compensation is designed to provide benefits for employees who get sidelined by a job-related injury or illness, getting what you deserve means avoiding mistakes that can hamper or ...
Doctors performing surgery on an injured worker

Does Surgery Increase Workers Comp Settlement?

Minor surgery, the saying goes, is surgery involving someone else. When you’re the one drifting off under anesthesia, there’s nothing minor about any concerns you’re having. Likewise, when surgery is ...
Medical bill with calculator after workers comp is denied

What Happens to Medical Bills When Workers Comp Is Denied?

A fair warning to workers: If you are injured on the job – and your workers compensation claim is denied – you are responsible for paying the bills for your ...
Sign indicating caution for work restrictions

What Happens If an Employer Cannot Accommodate Light Duty Work Restrictions?

Under ideal circumstances, employees injured or sickened on the job recover quickly and are able to resume their occupations as though nothing had happened. But reality is rarely idyllic. Long ...
Ambulance taking an injured worker to the emergency room

Does Workers Comp Cover Emergency Room Bills?

If you fall off a ladder at work and suffer a compound fracture, you’ll probably be more worried about the bone sticking out of your leg than who’s going to ...
Worker filing taxes for workers compensation

Is Workers Comp Taxable?

You've been injured on the job. You have enough problems without having to worry whether the government is going to take a chunk of your workers compensation pay. Fear not.              ...
Employer refusing to take a workers comp claim

What Happens If an Employer Does Not Report an Accident to Workers Comp?

Workers compensation rules can get complicated but are really simple. You get hurt. You get treatment. You get paid. So what happens if your boss doesn’t follow the rules? Specifically, ...
Graph of workers comp insurance rates increasing after COVID-19

How Will COVID-19 Affect Workers Comp Costs?

That is the million-dollar question – or more accurately, the billion-dollar question – for insurance carriers and employers trying to find their way through uncharted territory with the coronavirus pandemic. ...
Office chair with desk items after worker quits

What Happens If You Quit Your Job While on Workers Comp

There are about 150 million people employed in America. A lot of them have at one point wanted to sing Johnny Paycheck's No. 1 hit – “Take this job and ...
Injured worker meeting with lawyer to sue employer

Can I Sue My Employer for Negligence?

It’s tempting for workers injured on the job to assume that the workers compensation system prevents them from suing their employer for negligence. After all, the very premise of  workers ...
Calendar marking the day workers comp benefits end

How Long Does Workers Comp Last?

If you have qualified for workers compensation benefits, you know how complicated the system can be. How to manage what you’ve earned is, in many ways, even more complex. How ...
Stack of letters including workers comp paycheck in the mail

When Does Workmans Comp Start Paying?

If you fall off a tall ladder or get in a car wreck at work, the first question you might have is "Am I still alive?" If the answer is ...
Job application for new job while on workers comp

Can I Get a New Job While on Workers Comp?

Employees who have qualified for workers compensation benefits can’t be faulted for thinking about a new line of work while they recover — or even when they’re back on the ...
Block letters on desk that spell out "Welcome Back"

How to Help Injured Employees Return to Work (It’s a Team Effort)

The case for establishing a return to work policy for injured workers seems obvious – you hate to lose an employee for any reason – but remains a sore spot ...
Workers comp doctor sitting behind desk

Can You Trust Your Workers Comp Doctor?

If you are one of the three million employees injured in the workplace every year, are you confident that the medical treatment prescribed for your injury/illness is going to be ...
Infographic displaying cost of workers comp after California law AB 5

New Law Poses Billion Dollar Workers Comp Problem for Uber, Lyft

Can Uber, Lyft Afford Workers Comp Costs? The new California law that re-classifies workers in certain industries as employees could cost ride-sharing companies Lyft and Uber more than $1 billion ...

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We are seasoned, savvy, award-winning journalists who have enlightened and entertained readers with lively reporting and commentary on events from around the world to just around the corner for more than 40 years.

Bill Fay

Bill Fay


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Joey Johnston

Staff Writer

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Tom Jackson

Staff Writer

George Morris Headshot

George Morris

Staff Writer

Craig Lazzeretti headshot

Craig Lazzeretti

Staff Writer

Who We Are

Who We Are

We are a group of seasoned writers who have spent the last 40 years, investigating, reporting and commenting on local and national news. We’ll use our savvy and experience to produce fresh, informative and entertaining stories about workers compensation.

What We Do

What We Do

Our job is to get the full story on workers compensation. We’ll ask everyone involved – employees, owners, lawyers, etc. – what really happens when a worker gets hurt on the job. We promise to be a reliable source of news and information on workers comp.

Why We Do It

Why We Do It

Workers comp laws baffle everyone. As one judge put it: “Workers comp started out as a simple, self-executing system, but it has turned out to be anything but simple and self-executing.” Our goal is to educate all parties with simple, easy-to-read articles.